What's in a Ramadan Aid Package? 2024 Ramadan Package Varieties

28.08.2024: 11:32

What's in a 2024 Ramadan Aid Package?

Ramadan is a blessed month filled with love, sharing, solidarity, and abundance, where the spirit of unity and togetherness is deeply felt. In this special month, preparing Ramadan aid packages to help those in need, enrich their tables, and thus keep the spirit of Ramadan alive has become an important and meaningful tradition in our society. So, what should be in a Ramadan aid package? What does Çare Foundation distribute with its 2024 Ramadan packages?

What Should Be in a Ramadan Aid Package?

A Ramadan aid package should contain essential food items depending on the conditions of the distribution area. These food items should be indispensable elements that every household needs. Additionally, the package should include other products that may be needed by those in need in their daily lives, which can make their lives easier. Such a prepared package will provide significant assistance to its recipients and make their lives a bit easier.

Basic Food Items Varying by Region:

  • Pulses/Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, beans, bulgur, rice, pasta
  • Oils: Cooking oil, olive oil
  • Flour: All-purpose flour, whole wheat flour
  • Sugar: Granulated sugar, cube sugar
  • Tomato and pepper paste
  • Milk and dairy products: UHT milk, cheese, yogurt
  • Canned goods: Tuna, beans, peas, corn
  • Tea and coffee
  • Eggs

Other Items That Those in Need Might Require:

  • Cleaning supplies: Detergent, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo
  • Personal care products: Toilet paper, paper towels
  • Baby products: Diapers, baby food, wet wipes
  • Clothing: Clothes, shoes

What Should Not Be in a Ramadan Aid Package?

When preparing a Ramadan aid package, remember that certain products should definitely not be included considering the specific rulings of Islam. Among these, it is inappropriate to include alcoholic beverages, pork and its derivatives in the package. Additionally, it is important not to include expired products in the package. For food safety and consumer health, expiration dates should be checked, and products that have expired should not be added to the packages.

Çare Foundation Ramadan Aid Package Assistance

Çare Foundation carries out various projects aimed at improving the quality of life of needy people living all around the world and among these projects, aid distribution holds an important place. Aid packages are sent to needy families in Turkey and around the world. These aid packages consist of basic food items necessary for their pre-dawn and breaking of the fast meals, helping families to get through the month of Ramadan with a little more ease.

Aid packages are carefully prepared according to the region and the situation of the recipients. These aids from Çare Foundation should be considered not just as an aid package but also as a package of hope; as they make many families feel that we are by their side during difficult times and support them.

How Can I Contribute to Aid Packages?

While enriching our own tables during this month, we should not forget our needy brothers and sisters. At Çare Foundation, we deliver aid packages to earthquake victims in our country and to needy people around the world. You can contribute to aid packages through Aid Package Donation (Domestic) for our brothers and sisters in earthquake-stricken areas. If you want to send aid packages to needy people abroad, you can use the Aid Package Donation (International) donation item.



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