Our Beloved People and Honourable Çare Volunteers;
We congratulate the Holy Qurban Eid with heartily feelings and we wish the eid brings goodness to Anatolia foremost and to whole Islam Ummah and humanity.
We make dua to our Rabb that He accepts the qurbans which entrusted to us , presented to Him and sacrifiiced at different geographies and we wish those qurbans conduce to ummah's unity.
For sure, Qurban is an affiliation.
Qurban is brotherhood. Qurban is solidarity. Qurban is generosity. In conclusion Qurban is attaining Allah's consent.
During the period of time that Islam World turned into a blood bath and as cruelty, with so called "justice hat", oppresses our brothers and sisters and poverty reigns heavily we wish that eid enlightens our wisdom and brings clemency to our hearts and reminds humanity consciousness and mercy.
As our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated;
اَلْمُؤْمِنُ لِلْمُؤْمِنِ كَالْبُنْيَانِ الْمَرْصُوصِ يَشُدُّ بَعْضُهُ بَعْضًا
"loyalty among mumeens is like a building that building blocks bonded eachother"
We see this supreme principle as our life principle and a treasure which will save islam ummah from misery on earth and from remorse hereafter.
Our concern is to impede cruelties wherever we see and is to calm lamentings of muslims wherever we hear them, so we took the road to be Çare
We see Qurban climate as a means for making islam ummah happy so we rushed Africa, Asia, FarEast with our 80 volunteers. We felt muslims' pains deep in our hearts. We see all sufferings and miseries as our own sufferings and miseries.
We want this eid every muslim enjoys it, every orphan smiles.
As every year happens Çare volunteers again this year enjoy sharing their qurbans with oppressed, aggrieved and poor muslim brothers and sisters at different parts of our muslim ummah.
We have never said "Who Cares?" with the consciousness which inherited from our ancestors and bestowed us by life in Anatolia. Turkey, that is wanted to be taken into an economic mangle was not frightened by western and eastern alienators and imperialist forces thanks to our government's foresight and our nation's consciousness.
As Turkey raises its own policies on the other hand NGOs and our Çare Association too does it's part. NGOs, due to our 2023 goals, must take initiative and must become the initial prime power for the society and state and must be able to take responsibility without any hesitation.
We have done it many times in history and will do it again.
We know that Turkey is not just Anatolia. Turkey is the only hope for islam ummah from Asia to Africa.
We make dua to Allah that the Qurban Eid we are attaining conduces to unity of islam community.
As we make dua for acceptance of the qurbans we sacrificed, we also make dua for acceptance of our friends' and brothers' pilgrimage.
With these feelings we wish the holy Qurban Eid brings goodness to whole islam ummah and humanity.
Çare Solidarity and Development Association
In The Name Of the Board Of Directors
Mehmet Südlü
Mehmet Emin'e Engelli Sandalyesi Sürprizi!
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07.08.2024: 14:37© 2022 Çare Yardımlaşma ve Kalkınma Derneği. Tüm Hakları saklıdır.
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