We Heal Wounds Together in Antalya!

27.08.2024: 13:39

After the forest fires that took place in many regions of our country, the Care Assistance and Development Association started to work for the fires in Antalya's Manavgat district with teams from all over Turkiye.Our teams, which have been carrying out evacuation, logistics and emergency needs activities from the first days, will not leave the disaster victims alone until the fire is over.

Food Package Distributions Took Place

We visited the villages and neighborhoods affected by the fire in Manavgat Belenobası and provided food packages to families in need. Identifying families' needs. The governorship was contacted, and decisions were made regarding the continuation of our activities with mutual information.

We Participated in Consultation at Antalya Crisis Desk

We participated in the consultation about the fire at Antalya Crisis Desk with our Care Association Antalya Representative. In order to prevent turmoil and chaos, the needs of the region were determined in consultation with state institutions, NGOs and foundations, it was emphasized that fire areas are only under the coordination of firefighters and forestry personnel, there will be restrictions on entry and exit to fire areas in order to prevent provocations, and lastly, it was stated that the most need of the disaster victims is cash support.

As Çare Association, a campaign was started to meet the cash support for the needs such as house renovation, shelter, refrigerator and stock facilities in the areas where extinguishing operations are carried out.

Aid Campaigns Launched

Çare Association launched the “Fire Disaster Aid” campaign to meet the urgent needs of the citizens affected by the fire. With this campaign, we aim to stand by the victims in these difficult times. Revenues from the campaign will be distributed as cash to families in need of renovation, and as food to families in need of food.

You can donate 10 TRY by writing ACIL and sending it to 3851 to support the disaster victims.

Every Sapling; Homeland, Soil Life!

We continue to be on the field with all our means to regenerate the areas destroyed by fires in many parts of our country! "If a Muslim sows a crop or plants a tree, and if a bird, human or animal eats from it, it will be a reward of charity for that Muslim." As the ummah of our Prophet (pbuh), we are establishing forests with the awareness that planting saplings is a form of charity, remember the Care Association!

You can donate 10 TRY for 1 sapling by writing 💌 TURKIYE and sending it to 3851, so that our lungs burned in Antalya and other provinces can breathe again.

Thank you Flame Warriors!

Forest fires set fire to our hearts as a nation. We would like to thank all our officials, institutions and forest heroes who did their best in extinguishing the fires.

We would also like to thank the firefighters who have continued to extinguish the fire with two hours of sleep and eyes that turn from smoke to bloodshot since the first day, rest for a few minutes in the area they put out, eat their food and rush to another fire place! Well done Flame Warriors!

We will put these fires shoulder to shoulder and put out with our brotherhood! Come on Turkey!

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