We Have Built Bridges from Heart to Heart In Ramadan

28.08.2024: 11:32

Because of the Covid-19 outbreak, which is effective throughout the country and the world, we started a relief campaign called “We are the Cure for us”. By increasing our activities in the month of Ramadan, we reached thousands of people in the country and abroad in a short time.


Food aid for Ramadan, cash assistance, shopping cards were distributed, house renovations were made

We visited the sick, elderly and needy people who were unable to leave their homes with our volunteers during the Covid epidemic, sometimes in coordination with the Vefa Social Support Group formed within the governorship, and sometimes with our volunteers in that city.


With the donations made to our association, we have applied for various ways to help people in need, such as home renovations, cash assistance and shopping cards. Again, we delivered 3,150 food packages to the families in need through our volunteers.


Our help has reached  to 11,950 people

As Care Association, we have contacted 6,800 people across the country so far and from those, we chose 4,350 people and helped according to their need in the form of cash assistance, shopping cards, home renovations and food packages. Together with the applications received, we have tried to be instrument in delivering your assistance to a total of 11,200 people across the country so far.


Care Association in Africa and Central Asia

During the holy days of Ramadan, not just in Turkey but also abroad, in different parts of Africa and Central Asia, we continued to provide food aid for Ramadan, cash assistance, water wells and clothes for Eid to hundreds of children and qurban for adaq, aqiqah and shukr.


More than 70 Water Wells in Chad, Cameroon and Kenya

As Care Association, We have drilled more than 70 water wells in Chad, Cameroon and Kenya for clean water resources that are vital and very difficult to reach in Africa. In this region where the color of clean water is unknown, we opened dozens of water wells in two months to bring out clean water to the African people with the help of Allah. While water, hygiene and cleanliness were so important during the epidemic, the clean water resources we provided with your help were like breath in Africa.



Home to 300 orphans

Our association continued to provide education, shelter and basic needs for orphanages abroad during the epidemic and the month of Ramadan. Muslim orphanages are managed by Turkish families sent by our association in countries such as Uganda, Philippines, Burkina Faso, Pakistan. One of the most important duties of these orphanages is to protect Muslim children from missionary activities.


There are currently around 300 orphans in our association's orphanages in Africa, 219 of them are registered as boarders. We have an ongoing orphanage construction in Uganda. A plot of land was also allocated for the construction of an orphanage in Cameroon. We are also planning to start construction of an orphanage in Ghana next year. With these orphanage buildings supported by our donors, we aim to take care of more than 600 orphans in total.



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