We Achieved Another First With You!

28.08.2024: 09:17


  • Drought Report in East Africa
  • Care Association Water Well Field Studies
  • The First Association to Go to Africa with a Drilling Machine

Drought Report in East Africa

There is a drought in East Africa due to the climate crisis. While water resources are depleted rapidly, mass animal deaths are also experienced in the region. In Kenya, farmers lost 70 percent of their herds because of this.

According to the report of BBC Turkish, after the drought in 2011, 250 thousand people lost their lives in the region. At the same time, there were mass migrations to neighboring countries.

Drought has affected not only humans but also all animals. Herds of livestock are dying of starvation in an area in northern Kenya, where grassland and wetlands are no longer available.

Care Association Water Well Field Studies

Our team, which went to Kenya under the leadership of our President Mehmet Südlü, is currently conducting field studies and analysis. Arid regions are detected. It is determined in which regions the water wells to be drilled will be opened in priority.

The team also includes a drilling rig operator that we brought to the region from Turkiye. He is interested in water well works with the Drilling Machine we sent from Turkiye.

The First Association to Go to Africa with a Drilling Rig

We were greeted with tears of joy, prayers, tambourines and chants in the arid regions we went to with our drilling machine. We are proud of being the first association to send drilling rigs from Turkiye to Africa.

Our chairman, Mehmet Südlü, who was in the field, made the following statements about the field studies:

“We are all on the test, our brothers are being tested with drought, thirst, and despair. We, too, are being tested with our means, our water, our remedy. Will we be able to offer them a remedy or will we ignore them? Will we be altruistic or what will we call me? We have mobilized our resources as a requirement of the consciousness of being a believer, the gratitude of being human and our brotherhood. We loaded the drilling machine, which we produced in Turkey, into a container and delivered it to the region after a three-month cruise. Now, starting from the most needy places, we drill our wells in order. Anatolian people have these wells drilled. He's taking care of us. We pray to our Lord to be able to cure this wound with the support of our volunteers and donors. And we say we are just the means! It is a means for joy, mercy, hope, brotherhood, humanity and unity."

With your support, we provide water to people and animals in the arid lands of Africa. Thank you for helping us fly the Turkish flag in the most needy areas.

“We are just the means”

If you want to support our water well activities, click here.

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