India is a country in southern of asia with almost 1.3 billion population and 200 million muslims.The amount muslims was ofcourse more than this before Pakistan’s independence as a different state. Eventhough it’s not as poor as Africa , India too suffers water shortage, lack of substructure system and poverty because of the governance system based on cast system which lasts for thousands of years and is not criticized by so called western democracies due to its economically abusability.
India’s governance by cast system causes discrimination, between different parts of the regions, among people , religions while bringing public service… No doubt that Indian people’s religion Hinduism is another factor causes these shortages and absolutely ones mostly affected by these shortages are Muslims. The importance of water in Islam life is well known. Due to those needs we keep bringing service to our muslim brothers in India.
Due to these needs, with the donations of you benefactors, we built two water wells in India’s Uttar Pradesh province, Lucknow city which is biggest after Delhi. One of these madrasas is for boys and other one is for girls. The boys madrasa hosts 600 students and other one hosts 700 girls. Inshaallah we will keep bringing these kind of services to our muslim brothers all around the world with honourable benefactors' donations.
Mehmet Emin'e Engelli Sandalyesi Sürprizi!
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07.08.2024: 14:37Darbeye Karşı Nöbet tutan halkımıza ikram dağıtımımız sürüyor.
07.08.2024: 14:37© 2022 Çare Yardımlaşma ve Kalkınma Derneği. Tüm Hakları saklıdır.
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