Towards the End in

27.08.2024: 13:39

As the Çare Association, we have launched a container house project based in Kahramanmaraş for families who have become homeless due to earthquakes in our country. In this article, we would like to provide you, our valuable donors, with information about the current status of our project and share the process transparently.

Construction of Container Houses

So far, 40 container houses have been completed and are being sent to Kahramanmaraş as part of the project. These houses are transported in pairs by trucks. We are conducting meticulous work to create safe, sturdy, and comfortable living spaces in all container homes during the construction process.

Infrastructure Work for Container Neighborhood

Preparation of the necessary infrastructure for the area where the container houses will be installed continues. First, ground leveling and gravel laying procedures are carried out. With these procedures, we aim to create a healthy and safe living space for the families living in our container neighborhood.

Later, the water and electricity infrastructure of each container house will be completed. In this context, sink drains, clean water and wastewater pipes, and electrical connections will be provided without any deficiencies. Thus, our families will be able to continue their daily lives smoothly in our container neighborhood.

Temporary Accommodation for Earthquake-Affected Families

Our families will be our guests in this neighborhood created by Çare Container Houses before they move to their permanent homes. During this period, we aim to do our best with your support to meet the basic needs of families and enable them to continue their lives. Social facilities and playgrounds are also planned for our container neighborhood to continue social life.

Our Project is Strengthened by the Contributions of Our Donors

As the Çare Association, we would like to thank you for your interest and support for this project we have started to help earthquake victims. With the contributions of our donors, we aim to reach more families in this project. Each donation brings a smile to the faces of earthquake-affected families.

How Can You Support?

You can contribute to this container house project initiated by Çare Association by making a donation securely from the "Donate" section located in the upper right corner of our website and track the progress of the project.

Also, by following our social media accounts and liking and sharing our posts about this project, you can ensure that more people are informed and contribute to the project reaching wider audiences.

We Are Stronger Together!

As the Çare Association, we want to support earthquake victims and provide them with a new life opportunity with this container house project we have started. With the support of our donors, we can make the lives of earthquake victims in our country better by reaching more families and building a stronger community together. We are stronger together!

"We are only the means."

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