They Started The New Education Year With Joy

28.08.2024: 14:17


  • Goodness Growing Like Snowballs
  • They Started the New Education Year Joyfully
  •  Seeing the Smile in Thousands of Children!

Growing Goodness Like Snowballs

We are a pioneering association in the act of kindness, from health to food, from education to basic needs, with an understanding that values ​​people. We continue to touch hearts and carry out aid activities without slowing down.

The next stop of our association, which treats the intercontinental geography of the heart with kindness, is Şanlıurfa, located in the east of our country.

We entered the 2022-2023 academic year with excitement. We have prepared a surprise for our brothers studying at Akçaköy Primary School in Şanlıurfa's Akçakale district. The activity we carried out touched the hearts of both the village people and our little hearts.

We are known for aid activities aimed at people's living standards, especially in African countries. On the other hand, by helping people in need of help in the country. We have added a new one to our goodness movement, which grows like a snowball, with your support.

They Started The New Education Year With Joy

The new academic year has started. Especially in rural areas, the needs of the village schools that started their education are evident. Compared to previous years, we know that Turkey has made breakthroughs in education. In fact, this situation also ensured that these needs were limited in number. However, some points still need support. Such support will greatly support teachers and students in having a productive year.

We are trying to meet this need for help, which we encounter in many cities of our country, with the support of you, our donors.

Our association, which stands out with the help we provide in different fields at home and abroad, continues its activities in the field of education. Recently, we realized the first of our educational aids. We provided stationery aid to 55 children studying at Akçaköy Primary School in Şanlıurfa's Akçakale district. We presented backpacks with notebooks, water bottles, erasers and sharpeners. We signed another favor that made little eyes smile.

It was worth seeing the joyful screams and smiles of the students who started the new education period with their basic needs met. Regarding the educational aid we provided to Akçaköy Primary School, Çare Association President Mehmet Südlü thanked our donors with the following words:

The Chare Association has been there for people when they need it most since 2009. We are extremely pleased to be instrumental in helping people with the support of our philanthropic citizens abroad and in the country in this charity movement we started. Today, we are proud of our thousands of children, just like our children who happily welcome the educational aid they receive here.

Care Association

"We are just the means."

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