There Is A Letter From The Geography Of The Heart!

28.08.2024: 07:43

Ssentongo Yasin is just one of our orphans who has been staying at Uganda Orphanage in Kampala since 2013. Yasin, who lost his parents when he was very young, stayed with a woman he called his aunt, who was also the guardian of other children who were orphans like him until the age of ten. During this time, she worked as a goat herder to support her aunt. When he was ten years old, Yasin crossed paths with the Çare Association Orphanage and became a Muslim during his stay there.

When Yasin started to stay in our orphanage, he wanted to get education and complete his education, even if he was late. Yasin, who successfully completed his primary and secondary education, reached us in the past months with a letter of thanks addressed to the donors of the Çare Association and telling his life story:

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope you are fine. Thank you very much for sponsoring me on behalf of the Care (Association). You have been a real source of happiness for me by supporting my education. May your family and homeland be in peace forever. Since I finished my primary education, I need more opportunities both to memorize the Quran and to continue my education in science and Islam. May Allah's mercy be upon you.

As we approach the end of (my letter), I wish these lines to be delivered to my sponsors and would like to visit your country one day when I have the opportunity. I pray to my Lord every day for the sponsorship of orphans to continue and for the Çare Association to help other people.

Amen, best regards. Ssentongo Yasin

Loyalty From Ssentongo Yasin to His Aunt!

When Ssentongo Yasin successfully completed his secondary education, he attracted the attention of his teachers. When the management of the Çare Association became aware of Yasin's achievements, they invited him to our country so that he could come to Turkiye and continue his education. While making preparations for this invitation, Yasin wanted to pay his loyalty to his aunt before coming to Turkiye. He wanted to volunteer as a teacher for about 20 orphans who stayed with his aunt for years, who were also orphans like him. His aunt couldn't refuse that thoughtful idea. Yasin immediately rolled up his sleeves and tried to teach as much as he could to his siblings, whatever he learned during his stay in our orphanage. Time was very limited, but even a letter he would teach was gold for his orphan brothers in this geography where they lived.

Yasin started to teach the Quran and basic religious knowledge to his brothers in the village house where the orphans were staying. After a few days of training, he had prepared a small surprise for them. Yasin, who bought stationery for his orphan brothers in this country where access to educational resources is not easy, presented each of them with hugs and care. Yasin did not forget the Care Association donors and volunteers by praying together with his brothers who received their gifts. Yasin, who is now like a part of our family, prepared his suitcase to complete his education, learn Turkish and enter social life, and started to wait for the flight time at Entebbe Airport.

Yasin was our guest at the Çare Association Headquarters!

A team from the Çare Association went to the airport to meet Yasin, who came to Turkiye. Even though the team met Yasin face to face for the first time, they hugged and chatted as if they had known each other for years. Yasin stayed in the guesthouse of the Çare Association Headquarters for a few days. He had a good time in Istanbul with the employees of the association. He ate with the employees, sometimes helped them, sometimes rolled up his sleeves and prepared and served something in the kitchen. It wouldn't be possible without visiting the city, they wandered every inch of it. Visits to mosques, palaces and tombs; graves of companions, sultans and historical places. When we share all the colors of Istanbul and the most beautiful streets of the city, the days were over and the tiredness collapsed. As with all good things, time has flown fast and it's time to say goodbye.

Yasin Goes to Isparta for his Education

Age; He set out for Isparta to learn Turkish, to complete his high school education and also to become a hafiz. His journey, which started eight years ago in Kampala, continues today in Isparta, miles away from his home. Yasin is just one of millions of orphans in Africa and hundreds like him continue to chase their dreams and hopes in Pakistan, Arakan, Philippines, Palestine and Kenya thanks to our sponsors who hold their hands.

We are just the occasion. We would like to thank all our donors and sponsors who caused these beauties.

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