The Qurban is the remedy for the oppressed!

27.08.2024: 09:56

We held the 2021 Kurban Organization in Turkiye and 15 countries with the sub-motto of "This Eid Be With Your Brother". Despite Covid-19, we made our way to distant geographies for our Muslim brothers who were waiting for us and watching our roads by making 3 or 4 transfers when necessary.

Care for One Million Oppressed, Care Association!

Our association, which operates in three continents, shared the joys of Eid-al-Adha, by distributing festive items, toys, balloons and candy to 5 thousand children, including orphans, in addition to the slaughter and distribution of sacrifices.

Our association, which has been organizing sacrificial programs in our oppressed heartland every year since its establishment, has maintained its sensitivity in performing the sacrificial worship this year as well. Sacrifices were slaughtered in accordance with their nature and their meat was distributed to the poor. The cuts performed within the framework of Islamic rules and under the supervision of our volunteers were recorded and conveyed to our donors during the holidays. While bridges were built with sacrifice in our heartland, it was also instrumental in guidance in many countries.

The Care Aid and Development Association, which defines the unity of the Ummah as its goal and the awareness of brotherhood as its mission, said, "We are only the means ," and slaughter qurbanis of 23,604 shareholders, for whom we took the power of attorney, in Somalia, Cameroon, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Chad, Philippines, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Arakan Refugee Camp, we performed in Turkey, Yemen, Palestine and Ethiopia. We also delivered the meat of the sacrifice to 1 million 45 thousand 138 families and people in need, who are waiting for us, who are watching our way.

Qurban Videos Have Been Delivered Completely to Shareholders Before the End of the Holiday!

During the feast, the qurbans, who were given power of waqalah, were slaughtered one by one by reading their names and taking video recordings. On the last day of the eid, on the last day of the feast, we delivered the complete documentaries of the qurban to thousands of shareholders who donated the qurbanis.

A Thousand Thanks!

On this Eid-al-Adha; We owe a debt of gratitude to our staff, representatives, volunteers, and our valuable donors, who gave their families their jobs and served all over the world, trusting us and conveying their proxies, who contributed to the unity of the ummah, the consolidation of our brotherhood, the placing of food on the table of the poor, and finally the waving of the benevolent shadow of our red-starred flag in our heart.

We say that Allah Almighty accepts your help in the glory of the convent.

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