The Blessings of Ramadan in the Philippines

28.08.2024: 11:32

As Care Association, we came together with our brothers and sisters in the Philippines during this blessed month of Ramadan and witnessed countless beauties. The services we provided during this special period, thanks to your support, became a source of hope and happiness for many people. The beauty of the iftar tables we shared, the assistance we provided, and the stories of our brothers and sisters who have found guidance were all great sources of motivation for us.

In the article by our member of the Board of Directors, Dr. Mehmet Rıza Derindağ, who visited the Philippines, you will find the activities, events, and sincere stories of our brothers and sisters who found guidance in our hearts. In this article, we cover impressive events such as mass conversions, Ramadan conferences held at universities, and more.

In this month, where we better understand the importance of sharing the blessings and spirituality of Ramadan and building bridges of love and brotherhood, you can find the details of the beautiful services and stories that were accomplished with your contributions in the following article.

Care Association in the Philippines!

Dr. Mehmet Rıza Derindağ

Our Association, which has been operating in the Philippines since 2009, has been instrumental in providing good services this Ramadan thanks to your efforts and support. We had a special iftar program on the first night, followed by tarawih and a warm conversation with our neighbors. After this conversation, our Care Orphanage coordinator in the Zamboanga region, our Filipino brother Hamza, announced that two neighboring families had requested to convert to Islam. Alhamdulillah.

Mass Conversions in Pagadian Region

Our Association, which has been extending a helping hand to the Pagadian region at both Ramadan and Eid al-Adha times for 10 years, has led to the conversion of 11 families this year. We were happy to learn from Abdulkahhar, who is one of the region's leaders and our honorary representative, that the number of families who have converted to Islam in the last 10 years has reached 500.

Environmental Engineer Takes the Name "Said" After Converting to Islam

Naiya, who is a highly specialized environmental engineer, is from the Zamboanga Del Sur region, which is known for its hostility towards Islam. When he arrived at our Cagayan Care Orphanage in December 2022, there were no Muslims in the town. However, he converted to Islam there.

"Abdunnur" Experiencing His First Ramadan

I met Mike Cali from the Misamis Province in the Philippines and listened to his conversion story. In 2020, Mike came to Cagayan and pledged to live like a Muslim after reading Osman Nuri Topbaş's book "From Faith to Wisdom." He promised not to drink alcohol, commit adultery, or eat pork. After a while, he contacted our brother Eşari at the Marawi madrasa and then met our director of the Cagayan Care Orphanage, Muhammed İsa. Mike, who converted to Islam a few days before Ramadan, now goes by the name "Abdunnur" and is experiencing his first Ramadan.

Ramadan Conferences at Universities

We sponsored Islamic conferences at a different state university every day. We delivered speeches about the wisdom of fasting in Ramadan and the fundamental beliefs of Islam. These programs were well-attended by both Muslim and Christian students, and after the conferences, we sat down with the students to break the fast together.

Journey to Guidance from the Village of Manay

One hundred families in the village of Manay converted to Islam. We have been taking care of the children of the Muslim families we have been dealing with since 2017 and accepting them into our orphanages and educational institutions. We built a madrasa, a Quran course, and a mosque in the village. During Ramadan, 42 more families from Manay came to our city and orphanage to convert to Islam and bear witness. We shared the blessings and spirituality of Ramadan with our innocent, Muslim villagers who found guidance.

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