Sustainable Development for Africa: Smart Village Project

28.08.2024: 09:17

The "Sustainable Development for Africa: Smart Village Project" planned by the Çare Foundation aims to meet the basic needs of people living in poor areas, increase their living standards, and provide sustainable development by offering permanent solutions to water, energy, food, education, and income problems. The project aims to make villages self-sufficient and to build a sustainable future by preserving natural resources.

Purpose and Content of the Project

The Smart Village project, being implemented by the Çare Foundation, aims to provide sustainable development by improving the water needs of people living in the poorest regions of the world and using renewable energy sources. Within the scope of the project, direct water supply to village houses, development of agricultural areas, and increasing food production with irrigation usage and solar energy panels to meet energy and lighting needs are planned. In the first stage, the project will start with wells in the style of a fountain and is expected to be developed to meet all the needs of the villages in the future.

Scope of the Smart Village Project

The Smart Village Project, run by the Çare Solidarity and Development Association, aims to solve the water, food, energy, education, and income problems of villages permanently. Within this scope, deep wells will be drilled, a solar-powered water distribution system will be installed, joint agricultural areas will be created, irrigation systems will be installed, seed support and sustainable agriculture training will be given to achieve a comprehensive transformation and establish self-sufficient villages. In addition, the distribution of solar kits that provide energy to every house is also an important component of the project.

Project Phases and Applications

Firstly, boreholes will be drilled at depths of 100-250 meters to access clean water. Water towers will be built for distribution of water to houses and smart solar-powered pumps will be used. Smart solar-powered wellhead fountains will be constructed in villages, and the water in the tower will be distributed to fountains and agricultural areas in the areas needed by the village.

Solar kits that provide 15 hours of lighting to every house will be distributed, and villages will start to obtain clean water, food, energy, and income with nature-friendly methods. With the solution of the water problem, children and people living in the village will be able to devote the time they spend on carrying water to their education. With renewable energy, children will also be able to study at night.

Through fruit orchards, villagers' food access will be ensured and the fruits obtained can be sold in regional markets, allowing villagers to generate additional income. Thus, the Smart Village Project aims to provide sustainable development in poor villages and increase living standards.

Social Transformation with Education and Income Increase

Sustainable agriculture training given to village people within the scope of the project will play an important role in the economic development of the village. Villagers will be able to increase production in agricultural areas using more efficient and nature-friendly methods thanks to these trainings. In addition, with seed support, the agricultural production of villagers will be further strengthened.

Along with fruit orchards, villagers' food access will be ensured, and the fruits obtained can be sold in regional markets, making it possible for villagers to generate additional income. Thus, the economic welfare of villages will increase and living standards will be improved.

Long-Term Effects and Success Criteria of the Project

The success of the Smart Village Project will be measured by factors such as the increase in living standards in villages, the provision of energy, water, and food security, and the increase in the education level of village people. In the long term, the aim of the project is to make villages self-sufficient, provide sustainable development by preserving natural resources, and thus increase the quality of life of people living in poor areas.

What Can We Do?

When our Smart Village project starts, you can contribute to raising living standards in poor villages and providing sustainable development by supporting our project. You can volunteer to help meet the water, energy, food, and education needs of needy villages in Africa. Also, it is possible to increase awareness of this important work by sharing on social media and telling people around us to draw more attention and support to this project.

"We are just the means."

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