Surprise to Mehmet Emin with the Chair for Disabled!

28.08.2024: 14:20

Surprise to Mehmet Emin with the Chair for Disabled!

Care Association receives thousands of requests for aid every month. We respond to these applications as much as we can and try to help families in need.

Mehmet Emin (22 years old) was just one of these applications received by Care Association. Mehmet Emin, who lives in Siirt, has continued his life as a physically disabled person because of eclampsia that happened right after his birth and as a result of this disease, he lost the ability to talk and walk.

His family, who submitted a request on behalf of Mehmet Emin, said that Mehmet Emin needed a special wheelchair. Mehmet Emin's family could not buy it due to financial shortage, so this wheelchair was bought for him with the donations of volunteers and representatives of Care Association.

Care Association commissioned Ahmet Sahin Didin, a volunteer of Care Association, to personally take this chair from Istanbul to Siirt and deliver it. After a long journey, our volunteer reached to the Mehmet Emin’s house in Siirt and was welcomed with the joy of Mehmet Emin that touched the hearts.

Didin, who delivered the specially produced chair to Mehmet Emin, conveyed those moments with the following words:

“The moment of Mehmet Emin's first encounter with the chair he needed; it made him so happy that his older sister said that Mehmet Emin expressed his excitement and joy very intensely. So we shared his joy and waited for him to calm down, we promised that we would set up the chair and bring him outside. Mehmet Emin, who went out by a normal wheelchair from time to time, had difficulty in sitting upright in this wheel-chair because he was growing up, that’s why he could not go out for a long time. Mehmet Emin experienced the excitement of going out by this donated chair for the first time after a long time. Mehmet Emin was screaming for joy while we were setting up the chair. We placed Mehmet Emin in his chair and took him outside and played with the kids in the park. Mehmet Emin was so happy that his joy took all our fatigue away from us. We are so pleased to have met Mehmet Emin and spent time with him that I cannot express."


Ahmet Sahin Didin finalized his words with prayer and good wishes:

 "There are maybe hundreds, thousands of people like Mehmet Emin. Because of the shortage in their financial situation, they cannot access the products and equipments that will make their lives easier. We try to reach needy families as much as we can. We are very grateful to the donors of Care Association, which were the instruments for the joy of Mehmet Emin. May Allah be pleased with them. We wish to reach many more Mehmet Emin…”



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