New Home: Nigeria Orphanage

28.08.2024: 07:43

We rented a building for the orphanage in Yankaba District of Kano State in Northern Nigeria. This two-storey building we rent will be a new home for our Nigerian orphan brothers.

It is planned that approximately 50 orphans will stay in the orphanage in the first phase. Our orphan brothers and sisters will be given Islamic education such as tahfiz-al Qur’an and basic religious knowledge. In addition, they will receive other trainings that will prepare them for life and society in this orphanage. Our orphans will also continue to receive their normal education from public schools.

Why Nigeria?

According to the research of the International Organization of Health Management Units (MSH), there are 17.5 million orphans in need of help in Nigeria.

Disease, access to health services, hunger, etc. Many reasons such as these can be counted among the factors that increase the number of orphans. According to the report published by MSH, we can say that 2.5 million children are orphaned only in Nigeria due to the HIV virus.

Muslims make up 55% of Nigeria's population. Orphans in Christian states migrate to Muslim regions because of the value Muslims place on orphans. As such, the state of Kano, known as the capital of Nigerian Muslims, also turned into an orphanage. Because orphans from both the neighboring Christian states and Niger have taken shelter in Kano.

We could not remain indifferent to the needs of the region and we aimed to open an orphanage here. With the support of its donors, Çare Association undertakes the guardianship of hundreds of orphans in the buildings it has built and rented in Asia and Africa. Now we are adding Nigeria to our orphanages in the Philippines, Burkina Faso, Uganda and Pakistan.

We are getting ready to say "Hello" to orphans!

The building we rented for the orphanage is not yet in a condition where orphans can stay. We will do the repair first. Right after, we will complete the necessary furnishings and open our door to our orphans.

The renovation we have planned in our orphanage, which we started to renovate with the support of you, our esteemed donors, is summarized as follows:

  • The walls will be restored,
  • The sinks will be overhauled,
  • Exterior and interior paint and whitewash works will be done,
  • Gardening and landscaping,

After the other renovations, which we have not detailed here, are completed, we will move on to the furnishing of the orphanage. After the supplies are completed, we will be ready to say "Hello" to our orphans. We can list some of the planned actions as follows:

  • Remodeling of the kitchen,
  • Procurement of kitchen supplies
  • Provision of needs such as refrigerator, stovetop and oven,
  • Reorganization of classes,
  • Supply of office and office supplies,
  • Arrangement of the dormitory,
  • Rearrangements for social activity in the garden,
  • Supply of water tank for the needs of the orphanage,
  • Generator supply for electricity needs,
  • Receiving the necessary furnishings to keep the classrooms cool,
  • Lighting and other electrical installations,
  • Supply of various needs such as carpet, mat, sponge cushions and wardrobe,
  • Supply of emergency needs such as first aid cabinet, fire extinguisher,
  • Supply of necessities such as washing machine and cleaning materials

What can we do?

You can support us for the renovation and furnishing of our orphanage, which we started to renovate. The donations you make in the amount you wish will be used for the rent and other expenses of our orphanage. At the same time, when our orphans move to their new home, it will be used for their needs such as food, shelter, health and education. If you also want to support:

  • From the donations section of our website ,
  • Our bank account numbers,
  • You can contact us by calling 0212 471 08 08 no call center.


"We're just the means."


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