Martyr Cops Water Well

28.08.2024: 09:17

 Sefa Altınsoy and Gökhan Kıncak Water Wells have been started who were martyred in the attack by PKK terrorist trucks loaded with bombs at 06.45 of 26.08.2016 day to Cizre rapid deployment force .The Water-well project was initiated by his friends and in order to transform the dreams of martyr cops Sefa Altınsoy and Gökhan Kıncak and under the leadership of Çare Association and his friends who shared the idea of having a water-well with his police friend named by Yaşar Anıl shortly before their martyrdom.

Who is Sefa Altinsoy?


Our martyr Sefa Altınsoy is from Aksaray. Our hero had two sisters. He was quite calm man. He would not want to break anyone's heart and would pay attention to it.Miss Fatma wanted to get her son marry off as if every mother’s dream, and sometimes she would tease him and say "Firstly,Let's go to the east and then see how we can do it." He would call her mother and on the first days that he went to east and his other would say him "My son be careful.". He always said to her mother that he will be a martyr .Since he heard that his brother was going to Cizre, he often dreamed as if there was an explosion in the dreams and then he woke up the day before explosion and dreamed that we could not bear such pain in our lives.

By speaking his aunt just before one day of the event, He had described that there was the calm before the storm in cizre .He entered Police examinations in order to become a policeman in 2011 and he won the Afyon Police Vocational High School and graduated in 2013, and his first duty has been started at the Izmir Riot Police Branch Directorate. After serving in the Directorate of the Izmir Riot Police Branch for 3.5 years, he started his duty in the Directorate of Security-Protection Department in the province of Şırnak in Cizre for his 19.08.2016 dated mission.

Just before his duty that starts at 26.08.2016 about 06:45 in the morning, There was a truck loaded about 10 tons of bomb near the building in Cizre Riot Force Branch Directorate and during this treacherous attack ,our hero severely injured during 32 days after the accident on Wednesday night,  he died as a martyr on the 28.09.2016 . Gata also made after the military ceremony, Aksaray martyrdom was buried in Aksaray municipality in the presence of the prayers that were read after the funeral prayer made in the mosque of the martyr, Ulu Mosque.By being sent the body of our martyr from his hometown, was buried in the aksaray martyrdom  after his funeral prayer has been performed in the grand mosque with the prayers and the military ceremony at GATA.

Who is Gökhan Kıncak?


Gökhan Kıncak was born on 30.06.1992 in Edremit province of Balikesir. He completed his elementary education at the Istiklal primary school. He studied in Anatolia Technical and Industrial Vocational High School. He graduated successfully from the Yozgat Police Vocational School in 2013 and came into office in province of Balıkesir. He was killed by treacherous terrorists in Cizre where he went on a temporary assignment on the day of 26.08.2016. He was a patriotic man who loved his profession. Martyr Police Gökhan Kıncak Always talk about martyrs. He was buried to the martyrs' cemetery in Edremit.

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