Life to a Village Project Begins in Yumbe

28.08.2024: 09:17

November 27, 2023, Yumbe, Uganda

Care Association successfully completed the first step of the "Life to a Village Project" in Uganda's Yumbe region. This project marks a new era in Care Association's well-digging activities in Uganda and across the African continent.

Our First Project Takes Place in Yumbe!

This inaugural project in Yumbe is a milestone for the organization's future endeavors. The "Life to a Village Project" introduces a series of impactful innovations designed to meet the basic needs of the local community. The project includes elements such as well construction, solar energy systems, modern toilet and shower facilities, and the construction of a smart village equipped with a mosque. It serves as a model for future projects. The deep-drilled well and solar energy system set a perfect example of sustainable development. These innovative approaches open the door to their applicability in other regions.

Preserving Cultural and Spiritual Heritage

Efforts to preserve the historical and spiritual heritage in a region where Islam has spread since the Ottoman era serve as a guide for future projects. Care Association's sensitivity in this regard sets an important example for regions with similar cultural richness. Our organization, showing a respectful approach to Yumbe's historical and cultural fabric, enhances the Islamic heritage in the region while improving the quality of life for the local population. The region, bearing traces of Islamic heritage from the Ottoman era, undergoes both spiritual and physical renewal with the intervention of the organization.

Reaching Every Segment with Well Access

Facilities catering to every segment of society, such as separate toilets, showers, and ablution areas for women and men, emphasize the importance of future projects being needs-focused and inclusive. This approach ensures that each project addresses the real needs of the local community, providing more effective and long-lasting solutions.

Architecture Sensitive to Needs

The project is completed with a mosque construction covering 250 square meters, following Turkish architecture. This mosque, with separate sections for women and men, serves not only to meet the religious needs of the people in the region but also for religious education and Quran teaching. The mosque's charming and impressive structure resembles village mosques in Turkey.

Care Association's Impactful Project

This project by Care Association not only enhances the quality of life for the local community but also strengthens the religious and cultural structure of the region. Every detail, from the deep-drilled well to the mosque following Turkish architecture, responds to the needs of the Yumbe community. This project takes its place in the history books as one of Care Association's first major projects in the region.

Following the success of this initial project in Yumbe, Care Association continues its efforts to undertake similar initiatives in Uganda and other regions of Africa. Buoyed by the success of this project, the organization looks forward to touching more communities and improving lives in the future.



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