The month of Ramadan provides us with the opportunity to empathise with anyone experiencing oppression, poverty, loneliness and makes believers become acquianted with them. In its essence , Ramadan is an esteemed month teaching us the fundamental human experience of sharing. So much so that the very definition of Ramadan is best appreciated by the pleasure had in sharing the bounties bestowed upon us, such as our wealth and strength with those who are truly in need.
It helps us feel the state of difficulty experienced by those who have no support and to truly benefit from the bounties Allah presents to us through His name Al Razzaq ( The Sustainer).
The sacred month of Ramadan is full of such blessings and favours. As it does every year Çare association will continue its activities to deliver your geneour support to those in need.
This year for Ramadan 2019 we will have projects underway across 10 countries in the Far East, Africa and Asia. Çare will reach those in need by distributing food packages , organising iftars for the needy, setting up water wells and visiting the orphanages to deliver your support.
Çare will bridge the donations of those who are aware of the need to reach out and help.
You too can help the muslims in need and the innocent people in these regions by sending your zakat fidya fitra and sadaqa and support them by sponsoring food packages and iftar meals
You can make online donations via our web site: CLICK FOR ONLINE DONATIONS
You can use money transfer or EFT for the donations: CLICK FOR OUR ACCOUNT NUMBERS
Not: During the money transfer please write "Iftaar / Victualing" in the description section and your name and contact information. The bank recipient name is "Çare Yardımlaşma ve Kalkınma Derneği"
Mehmet Emin'e Engelli Sandalyesi Sürprizi!
07.08.2024: 14:37Küçük Elvin, Yeniden Duymaya Başladı!
07.08.2024: 14:37Şanlıurfa’ya Akülü Tekerlekli Sandalye Yardımları
07.08.2024: 14:379 Yaşındaki Çocuğa Tekerlekli Sandalye Yardımı
07.08.2024: 14:37Darbeye Karşı Nöbet tutan halkımıza ikram dağıtımımız sürüyor.
07.08.2024: 14:37© 2022 Çare Yardımlaşma ve Kalkınma Derneği. Tüm Hakları saklıdır.
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