Hair Care Event for Children Affected by Earthquake

27.08.2024: 13:39

On February 6, 2023, an earthquake centered in Kahramanmaraş left dozens of cities and thousands of families homeless. The earthquake also caused great destruction in Adıyaman and especially affected children. Children who lost their families, dropped out of school, and had friends who died... In this difficult process, we, as the Çare Association, work with all our might to be with earthquake victims and help them. Our goal is to provide psychological support to children and help them reintegrate into society by providing all kinds of assistance. In this difficult process, we will do our best to be with earthquake victims and make their lives easier.

"Always Smile Child" Hair Care Event

To make earthquake-affected children's lives a little easier and to give them morale, we organized a hair care event called "Always Smile Child" at Mehmet Akif Ersoy Primary School in Adıyaman. We talked to two different hairdresser salons, Black Hairdresser and Salon HCK, in Şanlıurfa. They volunteered with their own teams and equipment. We created waiting area, cutting area, hygiene area, washing area, and drying/blow-dry area in the school. The cleanliness of this area was done meticulously and disposable towels and cutting covers were used.

The purpose of this event was to relieve the stress and sadness that occurred after the earthquake, to help students connect with each other, and to support them.

At the event, children had their hair done and chatted with each other. We also distributed a few gifts to them. It was a great way to see the smiles on their faces. The children had the opportunity to have fun and get to know each other during the event.

Hair Care for 200 Earthquake Victims

In our event, we took a name list to touch the lives of children among earthquake victims and identified more than 200 children. We checked their hair and performed hair care. In addition, we tried to understand the children's situations and needs and provided them with moral support.

We checked if there were any diseases in their hair and performed hair care. We applied special antibiotic shampoo and medications to children with hair problems. Children without problems completed their hair care using normal shampoo and cream.

We filled all the boilers in the event area with hot water and provided a hygienic environment. In addition, we played games with the children, added color to their days by giving them food and drinks. To reduce the stress and anxiety caused by the earthquake, we talked to the children and made suggestions for them to rest and feel good.

Thus, we contributed to the lives of children among earthquake victims and their lives under difficult conditions.

Support Our Children's Dreams

In the event area, children were also given scarves and hats so they wouldn't be cold. Extra clips and bandanas were given to the girls. Hygiene packages were given to families and children. This project was carried out to show that we were with earthquake victims in their difficult processes and to support their dreams.

You can also donate to touch the lives of children affected by the earthquake and contribute to their future. As the Çare Association, we will continue to be with earthquake victims.

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