Getting Close To The Heart By The Reason Of Qurban

27.08.2024: 09:56

The Qurban word comes from the 'intimacy'; in the case of The Qurban refers to closeness. In this sense, the meaning of the Qurban is closeness to Allahu Teâlâ and getting closer to Allah.


Almighty is only Allah. He gives the property to whatever he wants. We have only servants temporarily in this world with that we have now; we can not claim eternal rights over them. That is why we try to share this property fraternally as Muslims on the earth, and we endeavor to reach all of our brothers and sisters in need of help. Thus, we hope to reach humanity, which is broken by starvation and nothingness as well as being close to Allah with the the occasion of The Qurban.

Yes, the Qurban is 'getting closer'. In this world where we have a temporary accommodation, we are aiming to approach the oppressed people in the geographies who is far away from us and to take care of their troubles and to take their praying.

Solidarity, from our home to the world, from our country to all who live on earth, is to be a hope light. Çare Solidarity ,Development and Assocition has set out with the goal of turning the darkness of the world into enlightenment and to put an end to hunger,poverty, and solving the troubles .

We all are dreaming of a world where everyone lives with confidence and hope. We are moving with the dream of a world in which there is no hunger, children grow up happily.

We have acted for a world where the tears have been wiped and grown like a tree of hope.

As in every year, we will be able to be a remedy to who is needy in the world as much as in our country this year.We will be stand by and care for those who need an aim in the 2017 Qurban from  Turkey to Far East, from Africa to Central Asia .

We are aware that we need more unity and solidarity with every passing year as the ÇARE Association. For this reason, we are devoted ourselves to the brotherhood, help and remedy in the world during the 2017 Qurban. Because the Qurban is solidarity. Because the Qurban is open-handedness, empathizing and make rejoiced to those who is needy.

For this purpose, we will distribute the donations of the Qurban made in 13 countries along with Turkey to those who are in need of a help with the permission of Allah  so that the sadness of the souls and the tears can be replaced by smiles.

With the aims and qurbans that you will donate,  will provide to bush the hopes out both in the turkey and all over the world.Every donation that you make, will contribute to the enrichment of food of which one of the needies people and they look forward to the future with an big hope.

We wish that where peace and tranquility is prevailed, poverty and hunger is left behind in the lives of all of us.

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