Care Doctors will be at Tanzania on October,29!

27.08.2024: 11:04
Care Association is doing humanitarian activities for African people especially those in need, orphans and elderly such as water wells, feeding projects, qurbani, orphanages, school, masjeeds through out the year.  Aside from these kind of humanitarian aid projects we have annual projects during eid al adha and in the month of Ramadan. We slaughter animals for eid al adha and distribute meats of it to hundreds of thousands of families during eid al adha and we prepare iftar meals and food packages during the month of ramadan.

We have done first medical camp in Garba Tula, Kenya for 2021!

We have realized during our humanitarian aid activities that one of the immediate need of people is medical attention. And we see that people can not attend to their health issues due to the poverty and they need urgently some of medical care but they cant simply because they dont have the means. These guided us to gather medical experts to do some medical operations and meet the needs of people. In this respect Care Doctors started its operations in different regions with most needy people in Africa. Care doctors done its first medical mission for this year at Garba Tula which is 500 km fron the capital city of Nairobi.

Health State of Kenya

Only one fourth of population in Kenya have access to full equipped medical care. Diarrhea, hepatitis,typhoid,malaria, fever, rabies are commonly witnessed sicknesses of the country. Kids suffers from malnutrition, infective sicknesses and adults suffers from cataract, hernia, hydrogel, thyroid due to malnutrition.

What have we done at Garba Tula Medical Camp


Cataract and General Operations

We have rented hospital which has a operation but never before used due to the lack of equipment. It was the first time for hospital to operate these kind of surgical operations. It is politically, economically and socially difficult regions and these social difficulties effects the health care system which results thousands of sick people with lack of medical attention. Thanks to the Almighty Allah that we were able to be the means for hundreds of thousands of cataract surgeries and let these innocent eyes to meet the beautiful world once again.


Distribution of Food Boxes, and Alternative Nutritional Foods

Çare Doktorları olarak sağlık kampı düzenlediğimiz bu ülkede 5 yaş altı çocukların ve bebeklerin aç uyumaması için 210 aileye gıda paketi yardımında bulunduk. Gönüllü ekiplerimizin bir kısmı Kenya’nın Kwale ve Garissa bölgelerine geçerek iki yüzden fazla aileye malnütrisyon hastası çocukları için besleyici ve tedavi edici beslenme paketlerini dağıttı.

Yetimhane ve Medrese Ziyaretleri

We have visited two orphanages and one madrasa at Garba Tula. There are 200 girls in one orphanage and 160 boys in another oprhanage where we have visited. Aside from this we also visited a madrasa which had 60 kids having training there. We have slaughtered adaq, aqeeqa and thanks qurbanis on front of these school and orphanages. And the meat distributed at orphanages, schools and needy families.

Visiting Water Wells Which Was Built Before And İnauguration of New Water Wells

We have visited all water wells one by one that we opened for years in Kenya. We inspected the water wells whether it is working properly or not. And if not we just fixed it right away. We also inaugurated 8 new water wells and took the necessary documentation and shared with its share holders. We also inspected the need for new water wells in those places.

Care Doctors will be at Tanzania on october, 29!

Second part of medical mission for this year will be at Tanzania. We are planning to have cataract operations, eye surgeries, medical assistance, distribution of medicine, health care assistance, nutrition, baby feedings etc during this camp. We will slaughter adaq and aqeeqa qurbanis at the same time and distribute its meat to the families in need.
Care Doctors in behalf of all muslims in Turkey continuing to receive the duas of those thousands of sickly people. Having only 2% of all doctors of the world in Africa, and for 1 million sick there s only 1 doctor available in Africa.
•    Cataract Surgical Operation (1.500 Tl)
•    A Share For Cataract Surgery (500 Tl)
•    Baby Feeding
•    Box of Medicine (150 Tl)
•    Personal Hygine Pack (100 Tl)


Please click here for online donations!

Please click for account numbers.

Note: If you are sending direct to the account through atm please write “Saglik Yardimi)and dont forget to include; “name, family name, cp number” Receiving bank account name; “Care Yardimlasma ve Kalkinma Dernegi”


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