Care Doctors became the means of light through its grand medical camp in Kenya, Garissa and Extended hope for hundreds of sick people through volunteers. Care Aid and Solidarity Association with Care Doctors organized the Medical Camp and helped with special nutritional food boxes for mothers and particulary children below five years old who were suffering malnutrition and at the same time regularly organizing short time medical check up programs.
Care Doctors operated hundreds of blind people with cataract operations. In line with this medical mission Care Doctors operated more than 30 areas including following diseases;
- umbilical hernia
- inguinal hernia
- hidrocel
- orshiopexy
- varicose
- insidious hernia
With its motto; “ Be a remedy before it is too late” Care Doctors now is a hope for thousands of Africans who lost their eyesight.
150 Kenyans who lost their eyesight met sun light during Care’s Operations of Cataracts in seven days! And thousand others who were waiting to be cured won their joy of life once again!
We want to be continual hope for others who are in need of us!
Mehmet Emin'e Engelli Sandalyesi Sürprizi!
07.08.2024: 14:37Küçük Elvin, Yeniden Duymaya Başladı!
07.08.2024: 14:37Şanlıurfa’ya Akülü Tekerlekli Sandalye Yardımları
07.08.2024: 14:379 Yaşındaki Çocuğa Tekerlekli Sandalye Yardımı
07.08.2024: 14:37Darbeye Karşı Nöbet tutan halkımıza ikram dağıtımımız sürüyor.
07.08.2024: 14:37© 2022 Çare Yardımlaşma ve Kalkınma Derneği. Tüm Hakları saklıdır.
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