Care Doctors Are In Africa Again!

27.08.2024: 11:04

Throughout the year, we carry out humanitarian aid activities in many countries in the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa, in many areas that we cannot count, such as water wells, food packages, qurban-aqiqa and permanent works. When we witnessed that the local people's access to health services in the countries we visited was almost zero. In this context, as Care Doctors, we held the second health camp of 2021 in a small hospital in Panga Province of Tanzania in Africa!

What Did We Do at the Health Camp?

Cataract and General Surgery Operations We performed cataract and other eye surgeries of 150 patients and surgical operations of 50 patients in areas such as pediatrics, orthopedics and general surgery between 29 October and 6 November at the Tanzania Health Camp. We provided free medicine packages to 200 patients who were treated. In addition, free grade glasses were given to 300 patients who were examined in their eyes.

Food Boxes and Nutritious-Therapeutic Nutrition Packages We have provided food packages to 150 families in Tanzania so that children and babies under the age of 5 do not sleep hungry. We provided food support for the healthy nutrition and development of babies. Some of our volunteer teams have distributed nutritious and therapeutic nutrition packs to 150 malnourished children in surrounding villages in the Pangani region of Tanzania.

Opening of Masjid and Water Well. Near the hospital where we organized the health camp, we opened masjid and madrasa for a 200-children who are trying to receive education under difficult conditions, where they can both pray and receive education. We distributed hundreds of Qurans for students and local people. In addition, considering the needs of the region, we drilled a water well in the garden of the mosque, since a water well is essential. While the water well was installed in a fountain in the courtyard of the mosque, we offered it to the local people for both the congregation to perform ablution and to meet the water needs of the surrounding villages.

-we have also slaughtered animals to distribute meat to needy families.

Thank you for being with our Tanzanian Muslim brothers and helping us heal their wounds in the health camp and other fields of activity.

“We are only the means.”

What Can You Do for the Health Camp?

The activities that you can help for the other health camps we plan to organize in 2022 are as follows:

  • Cataract Surgery Contribution Fee (500 TL)
  • Child Food (300 TL)
  • Medicine Package (150 TL)
  • Personal Hygiene Package (100 TL)

Care Doctors always continue to be instrumental in thousands of oppressed people in all oppressed geographies, to add life to our lives and to receive many sincere prayers by representing our country in the best way possible. You can help many oppressed people with your donations in Africa, which has only 2% of the doctors in the world and where there is only one surgeon for 1 million people! Click here to support our health activities. Meta Description: With the health camp organized by Care Doctors for the second time this year, we have been instrumental in the healing of 650 more patients.

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Asya ve Afrika’daki 6 yetimhanemiz ve 4 ülkede desteklediğimiz yetimlerle geleceğe umut oluyoruz. Sen de yetim bağışına sponsor olmak istersen tıkla!

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