Bringing Goodness Together with Technology in Uganda

28.08.2024: 11:32

Robotic coding is the process of programming robots using software to perform specific tasks. This process emerges as an educational model that enhances young people's problem-solving, analytical thinking, and creative design skills. As Çare Foundation, we decided to transform our computer workshop located at Isar Primary School in Kampala, Uganda, into a science and technology workshop in line with this. This innovative step emphasizes the importance of investing in the future of education and introducing young generations to technology. Our foundation plans to provide middle school-level robotics and coding education to students and has also begun preparations to participate in the Teknofest 2024 competitions in the "Environment and Energy Technologies" category.

Shining a Light of Hope with Technology in Africa's Arid Lands

Çare Foundation transformed the computer workshop located at Isar Primary School orphanage in Uganda into a brand new opportunity. In this area transformed into a science and technology workshop, robotics and coding education at the middle school level has begun. Thanks to this education, children in the orphanage have the opportunity to learn the most important skills of the future, such as coding and robotics.

What is Robotic Coding and What is it Used For?

Robotic coding is a programming language used to control the movements and functions of robots. This language tells the robot what we want it to do and how to do it. Robotic coding can be done using block-based or text-based languages.

Robotic coding enables robots to perform complex tasks. For example, we can code a robot to pick up an object and move it somewhere else, follow a line, or overcome an obstacle. Robotic coding also helps robots interact with their environments and learn.

What is Robotics and What is it Used For?

Robotics is a branch of science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots. Robots are automated machines designed to perform specific tasks. Robots are used in manufacturing, healthcare, education, space exploration, and many other fields.

Robotics is a technology that affects many aspects of our lives and continues to evolve. With the development of robotic technology, robots will be able to perform more complex tasks and make our lives even easier.

Participation in Teknofest and Awareness Workshop

As part of the training provided in the workshop, a team was formed at the middle school level. This team, named "Isar Cybernetics," applied to participate in the Teknofest 2024 competitions in the "Environment and Energy Technologies" category. Following this exciting development, a workshop was organized to increase the interest and awareness of young people in technology.

Why is Awareness Important?

Awareness is a concept that enables individuals to be conscious and understanding of the world around them. The technology workshop organized by Çare Foundation not only provides students with technological skills but also equips them with values such as social responsibility and environmental awareness. Awareness, especially among young people, helps develop a sensitive approach to the problems encountered in society. Thus, students have the power to use the knowledge and skills they acquire not only for their own futures but also to create a more livable world.

What Happened at the Workshop?

Electronic circuit and working disciplines were examined and applications were made with Arduino sets during the workshop. Block-based coding was learned for robotic coding. Multi-functional robots were also built within the scope of STEM sets. The interest of the participants in the workshop was quite intense and it was carried out with great enthusiasm.

When and Where will the 2024 Teknofest Take Place?

The 2024 Teknofest will be held in Adana, but the dates have not yet been officially announced. Considering that the 2023 Teknofest took place in Samsun between September 21-24, it is expected that the 2024 Teknofest will also take place in September.

You can access the most up-to-date information about the 2024 Teknofest by following the official website and social media accounts of Teknofest.

Our Hopes for the Future are Blooming

In the evaluations conducted after the workshop, it was stated that the participants showed great interest and enthusiasm in robotics and coding education. The fact that many young people expressed a desire to focus on STEM fields such as computer, software, and mechanical engineering in their career planning after the workshop once again highlights how important these educations are.

As Çare Foundation, we aim to nurture the hopes and dreams of children for the future with the opportunity we provide at the orphanage in Uganda. By providing access to technology and necessary education, these children will be equipped to build their own lives tomorrow and contribute to the development of Uganda, God willing.



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