2023 Ramadan Activities: Earthquake Victims and Abroad

28.08.2024: 11:32

Care Association has been actively operating in earthquake areas, especially after the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş last February. From the first days, 183 staff and volunteers, 65 aid trucks, and 48 transport vehicles carried out effective aid distribution in the region. They supported a total of 300,000 earthquake victims before Ramadan. Now, the association continues its activities in earthquake areas during Ramadan and also carries out aid activities for those in need on the African continent. With iftar dinner distribution, food package support, and aid to tent cities, hundreds of thousands of people were made happy.

Wounds Healed in Earthquake Areas

Care Association organized humanitarian aid activities in earthquake areas in Turkey, meeting basic needs and providing sahur and iftar distribution to 224,000 earthquake victims living in tent cities. In this context, assistance was provided to earthquake victims in Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Adıyaman, Malatya, Gaziantep, and Şanlıurfa.

In addition, Care Association Tavşanlı Representation provided food, clothing, and hygiene materials support to earthquake victims and continued its aid efforts by distributing shopping cards worth 500 TL. In this context, a helping hand was extended to earthquake victims from the Social Market in Tavşanlı.

On Arife day, we provided zakat support to 200 families before the Ramadan holiday. Food package support was provided to 100 families. These aids were delivered to needy families by Care Association volunteers.

Container House Project Continues Without Slowing Down

Care Association completed the construction and shipment of 40 container houses so far for families left homeless in Kahramanmaraş with the container house project it started. The necessary infrastructure preparations for the area where the container houses will be installed were also completed. While the construction of the remaining container houses continues rapidly, families will begin to be placed in the completed ones.

Aid Packages and Wheelchairs in Azez

Care Association delighted needy families with aid activities in three separate tent cities in Azez. Hundreds of families were given hope thanks to these activities. In addition, five wheelchairs were distributed to make life easier for disabled brothers and sisters. In addition, a total of 320 food packages (aid packages) were distributed to needy families previously identified. We believe that these aids will touch the lives of those in need and make them happy.

Ramadan Aids Around the World

Care Association extended a helping hand to needy people around the world throughout Ramadan. This aid campaign reached hundreds of thousands of families experiencing financial difficulties, making their Ramadan easier. In addition, Care Association continues to extend a helping hand to needy people not only during Ramadan but also throughout the year.

Uganda Activities

With iftar programs organized at Isar Primary School in Uganda's Kampala region, 6,600 people, including orphans and those living in surrounding villages, were made happy.

Philippines Activities

Within the scope of Ramadan events in the Philippines, thanks to your donations, iftar meals were provided to 10,000 people, and 5,000 aid packages were provided. In addition, we witnessed the guidance of 70 families.

Burkina Faso Activities

In Burkina Faso's Ouagadougou region, aid was provided to a total of 5,000 people with iftar meals in our orphanage and surrounding villages.

Tanzania Activities

Many needy families were also given a helping hand in Tanzania. A total of 800 food aid packages were distributed in the Nyambwewe, Klimahewa, Rabika, Saadani Village, Stahabu, Ushongo, Mwera, Choba, Madanga, and Aqsa Mosque Bushiri regions. In addition, 300 families in worse situations than other families were provided with both food baskets and zakat support.

Nigeria Activities

In Nigeria's Kano State, iftar meals were provided to a total of 40,000 orphans, including those staying in our orphanage and other orphans, and the joy of this special month was shared with our little brothers.

Bangladesh (Cox's Bazar) Activities

Iftar meals were provided to 10,000 people in Cox's Bazar for the Rohingya Muslims in Bangladesh. We distributed holiday allowances and food packages to 62 supported orphans and their families.

Thank You to Our Donors

We extend our sincere thanks to our donors and volunteers who played an important role in all these aid activities. Thanks to your support and kind hearts, we can reach needy people, especially in our country and then around the world, and be their hope. We will continue to work together to help more people and improve their lives.

"We are just a means."

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