The Care Association is a non-governmental organization that aims to help regions suffering from water scarcity in Africa. This report presents the results and impacts of the well projects we conducted in 2022.
In 2022, the Care Association helped water-scarce areas in Africa by opening a total of 75 wells. We attempted to solve the drought problem in the region by opening 5 in Kenya, 13 in Nigeria, 1 in Uganda, 1 in Cameroon, and 55 in Chad.
In 2022, our drilling machine provided a significant advantage in our well projects and contributed positively to our activities. Thanks to the 34 wells opened, the accessibility of vital clean water sources increased, and thus, a significant difference was made in the lives of people in the region.
We were able to carry out well-opening processes faster and more efficiently with the drilling machine, and thus, we accelerated our projects. In this way, we managed to provide clean water to more people in a short time. Additionally, thanks to the technological advancement of the drilling machine, we were able to reach water sources even in challenging terrain conditions. We aim to use these technological opportunities in future well projects as well.
The wells we opened not only provided access to clean water, but also contributed to education and health services. In water-scarce areas, children and women have to travel long distances to carry water. With the opening of the wells, these challenging tasks decreased, and children were able to go to school. Additionally, with the increase in access to clean water, the risk of disease transmission decreased, and the general health status of the region's people improved.
In 2022, the Care Association made a significant contribution by opening 75 wells in water-scarce regions of Africa. With the support of our drilling machine, we increased access to clean water by conducting faster and more effective projects. Additionally, by contributing to education and health services, we improved the quality of life in the region. We will continue to help water-scarce areas by carrying out more well projects in the future. Your support is of great importance in this process.
As the Care Association, we aim to create lasting and positive effects in the lives of people by opening more wells in water-scarce regions of Africa. We need your support to achieve this goal. Your donations will be used to provide more people with access to clean water, increase participation in education, and improve health services. Please contribute to this meaningful project by taking a step towards a better world.
"We are just a means."
Mehmet Emin'e Engelli Sandalyesi Sürprizi!
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07.08.2024: 14:37© 2022 Çare Yardımlaşma ve Kalkınma Derneği. Tüm Hakları saklıdır.
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